The help of friends and benefactors, which allowed us to achieve up to now many charities, it is essential to proceed in our work; your help can reach us as
- sponsorship of a child or a child, the odds for the adoption start at a minimum of 25 euro per month.
- sums for the purchase of a rooster and two hens (10 euro), a goat (50 euros) or a hoax (200 Euro)
- donation to be allocated to the construction of a masonry house for the poorest families and residents in difficulty in the villages (1000 Euro)
- willingness to travel to Allipalli to perform volunteer work in the Mission (15- duration 20 days). Advice to stay at Allipalli . The presence in place of specialized medical and health personnel is particularly useful for a population that can not otherwise receive medical help.
- 5 x THOUSAND tax code peacemakers non-profit organization: 02973460161
- Coordinates for Bank Transfer:
- UBI BANCA branch Albano S. Alessandro IBAN: IT 40 H 03111 52470 000 000 075 664
- BANCO POPULAR Seriate Branch IBAN: IT 95 K 05034 53510 000000020529
Donations can be made through bank transfers, deposits in current accounts, checks made out to the Peace Operators. The donated amounts are tax-deductible.
The help of friends and benefactors,
which has enabled us to achieve so many beneficial initiatives so far, is indispensable for our work.
2025 Operatori di pace Allipalli e le sue Sorelle - C.F. 02973460161 |
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